Ise Kadoya Struggle IPA is a 7% American IPA from Ise Kadoya, based in Mie, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition range and unknown whether this is a one-off or …
Mie Beer
Looking for beers from Mie? We got you covered.
Ise Kadoya Snowsmile IPA is a 6% American IPA from Ise Kadoya Beer, based in Mie, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition range and was first released in the December …
Ise Kadoya Hanakin Tanpopo is a 4% porter from Ise Kadoya Beer, based in Mie, Japan. It’s part of their Hanakin series of beers where Ise Kadoya harvests yeast from …
Ise Kadoya Platinum Dragon is a 4% session pale ale (great, the dreaded word session has come back to haunt us) from Ise Kadoya, based in Mie, Japan. It’s part …
Ise Kadoya Hanakin Gold is a 4% golden ale from Ise Kadoya, based in Mie, Japan. It’s part of their “hanakin” range of using yeast harvested from wild species of …
Ise Kadoya Yuzunoka Ale is a 5% fruit beer from Ise Kadoya, based in Mie, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition lineup and can be found in both bottles …
PaPa Ale is a 4% session pale ale by Ise Kadoya. It’s made with, according to the bottle, “seven different types of malt and uniquely scented hops”. Let’s see how …
Ise Kadoya Lush Hop IPA Revolution is a 7.5% American IPA from Ise Kadoya, based in Mie, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition range and was first released in …
Ise Kadoya Koi Koi Mikan is a 4% seasonal fruit ale made with Naize Mikan oranges from south Mie prefecture. Ise Kadoya Koi Koi Mikan Beer Aroma and Taste Koi …
Ise Kadoya Neko Nihiki is an 8% NE IPA from Ise Kadoya, based in Mie, Japan. It’s part of a collaborative brew they did with Culmination Brewing, an American brewery …