Prost : The Bottom Line I went to Prost in perhaps some of the worst possible weather – pouring with rain and the threat of a thunderstorm looming over – …
Michinoku Fukushima Beer
Fukushima Michinoku FO2 Weizen is a 5% German hefeweizen from Michinoku Fukushima Brewery, based in Fukushima, Japan. It’s part of their collaborative effort with Craft Beer iBrew to produce and in-house beer …
Fukushima Michinoku Dunkel is a 5.5% German Munich dunkel style beer from Michinoku Fukushima Brewery, in Fukushima. It can be found in bottles and also on draught though it’s getting harder …
Background Michinoku Fukushima Beer is a craft beer brewery located in Fukushima prefecture, Japan. The brewery was founded in November 2003, and is very much a family operation with the president, …
Michinoku The Rich Bitter Early Release is a 5.5% English style bitter from Michinoku Fukushima Brewery, based in Fukushima. It’s part of their limited edition line up of craft beer and at …
Fukushima Michinoku Red Ale is a 5% amber ale from Michinoku Fukushima Brewery, based in Fukushima if that wasn’t clear. It has also won a few awards in the past …
Fukushima Michinoku Momo no Lager, or in English Fukushima Michinoku Peach Lager, is a 5% fruit beer from Michinoku Fukushima Brewery in Fukushima. It’s brewed using locally sourced peaches, a symbol Fukushima prefecture, …