Kujukuri Beachside Red IPA is a 7% Red IPA from Kankiku Shuzo, based in Kujukuri, in Chiba, Japan. It’s part of their Beachside lineup of beers, and can be found…
Kujukuri Ocean
Kujukuri Ocean Fruits Ale is a 5% fruit beer from Kankiku Shuzo, based in Kujukuri, in Chiba, Japan. It’s part of their fruited beers lineup, and can be found in…
Kujukuri Ocean Beer Weizen is a 5% hefeweizen from the Chiba Triangle, the Area X of Kanto, the only place I know with a number for a name, Kujukuri beach!…
Kujukuri Ocean Beer Pilsner is a 5% pilsner made by the folks at Kankiku Shuzo in the mystery wilderness of Chiba’s “Little Hawaii”, Kujukuri. Anyone been there yet? To the Sardine…
Kujukuri Ocean Beer Stout is a 7% unfiltered stout from Kankiku Shuzo. Kujukuri beers are curiously prevalent in my local area, I suppose because I live near the sea. I’m…
Kankiku Shuzo, makers of Kujukuri Ocean Beer, is a craft beer brewery located in Chiba, Japan. Like many other breweries in Japan, Kankiku Shuzo started making out sake back in 1883. After travelling…