Looking for information about Sakai Kashi Brewery? We’ve got you covered with a list of their beers and information.
Ibaraki Brewery
Looking for breweries in Ibaraki? Take a look here.
Daigo Brewery is a Japanese craft beer brewery based in Ibraki, Japan. Daigo Brewery are brewers of the Yamizo Morino Beer range and also operate a brewpub on site too. Daigo …
It seems easier to get a Japanese permanent residence visa than to get a tour around the Chateau Kamiya brewery. You can easily see it from outside, but the frosted …
Ushiku Brewery, located inside the premises of Chateau Kamiya, is a brewery situated in Ushiku, Ibaraki prefecture. To make things even more complicated, it’s a subdivision of alcohol producer Gôdô Shusei, …
Chateau Kamiya, located in Ushiku, Ibaraki is a brewery so steeped in the history of western alcohol in Japan, that it’s hard to understand why it isn’t bigger than it …
After the tour of both the sake distillery and the Hitachino Nest brewery, BeerTengoku sat down with Haruna Katsuyama and Toshiyuki Kiuchi for a quick interview. Once we had finally …
In late August, BeerTengoku ventured out to the Kiuchi Brewery in Hitachi-konosu, Ibaragi. When we saw on the map that it was in the countryside, we didn’t realise it would be …
Kiuchi Brewery is located in Naka, Ibaraki and has been brewing alcoholic beverages since 1823. Kiuchi Brewery started out brewing sake and shochu; however, they moved over to producing beer …