Fukushima Michinoku Momo no Lager, or in English Fukushima Michinoku Peach Lager, is a 5% fruit beer from Michinoku Fukushima Brewery in Fukushima. It’s brewed using locally sourced peaches, a symbol Fukushima prefecture,…
Fukushima Beer
Looking for craft beers from Fukushima? You’ve hit the spot.
Inawashiro Weizen is one of Inawashiro Ji-Beer’s original beers first produced in 1997. It is a 4.9% German hefeweizen and can be found generally in bottled form though we have seen…
Inawashiro Brown Weizen follows up from the Inawashiro Weizen here by being a dunkelweizen, or a dark weizen, style beer. It’s a seasonal beer though only released in winter and…
Smoked beer, such as Inawashiro Rauch, are not a well-known style of beer in Japan, with Fujizakura Heights Rauch being the best of a small bunch so far, with that bunch…
Inawashiro Pilsner is one of those beers that has the appellation “ji-beer” tagged onto it. If you haven’t had the fortune to read Joe’s soapbox on that, go and read…
Inawashiro Golden Angel is a cross between two different kinds of malt; a pilsner malt and a deeply roasted caramel malt to produce a “unique” twist on a Dortmunder style beer, first…