Chateau Kamiya Dunkel is a 5.5% dunkel style beer from Ushiku Brewery that is part of their all year round range of beers. It’s brewed using malts only and can be …
Looking for Japanese dunkels? Then look no further.
If you hadn’t guessed by now, German styles are pretty much the main styles of beers brewed in Japan and no other beers are made here. Of course, we’re lying …
Oirase Dark Lager is a dunkel style beer from Oirase Brewing Company and was a souvenir from a friend of ours, thanks again Hiro. Trouble is, he forgot to tell …
Brown no Kaze beer, otherwise known as Tazawako Kohan no Mori Dunkel, is another beer that comes in two different labels. The one below is the most recent label for …
One from the northern climes of Japan is this Ajiwai Tenya, which translates to “a taste of heavenly shores”. Brewed in a dunkel style which has its origins in Germany, this …
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