Kyoto Sharaku Imperial Porter

Kyoto Sharaku Imperial Porter : Background

Kyoto Sharaku Imperial Porter is an 8.5% imperial porter from Kyoto Brewing Company, based in Kyoto, Japan. It’s part of their canned and draught lineup and is also one of two English classic beers styles that use the name “sharaku”. Kyoto Sharaku Imperial Porter is brewed with Fuggle and Hallertau Mittelfruh hops, with the latter not being a traditional hop used in British style beers. The original meaning of a “Sharaku”, or “Sharakumono” is essentially the character or personality in a public place who gets attention through their being an entertainer, being funny, a good storyteller, or generally charismatic.

Kyoto Sharaku

Kyoto Imperial Porter : At A Glance

  • ABV : 8.5%
  • Style : Imperial Porter
  • Hops : Fuggles and Hallertau Mittelfruh
  • Adjuncts : Flaked oats
  • IBU : 45

Kyoto Sharaku Imperial Porter : Sale Information

  • Availability : Limited
  • On Sale : From September 2024
  • Size : 350 ml

Kyoto Sharaku Imperial Porter : Appearance

Poured out a pitch black colour with a tan, off-white head on top that left thick creamy streaks down the side of the glass.

Kyoto Sharaku Imperial Porter : Aroma

Rich chocolate and cacao aroma, with a touch of caramel and some vanilla present. As the beer warms up, the toasted notes from the malts become more pronounced, yet all is in balance with one another. Very little alcohol heat on the beer comes off, with alcohol hidden well behind the malts.

Kyoto Sharaku Imperial Porter : Taste

Starts out with a smooth bitterness that segues into a thick chocolate and cacao flavour. Alongside this is the caramel-like, almost toffee-level qualities of flavours that pervade throughout drinking. The base malts that have been toasted balance against these flavours, with a touch of acridity in the base that just cuts through the flavours. There could have been a touch more alcohol heat to go against the richness of the flavours, but that’s just a minor point.

Kyoto Sharaku Imperial Porter : The Bottom Line

Kyoto Sharaku Imperial Porter is a well-made imperial porter that I happily want to drink more of.

Kyoto Sharaku Imperial Porter : Where to Buy

Kyoto Sharaku Imperial Porter can be bought online at the following places:

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