Home Beer Review Streetlight Yuzumeki

Streetlight Yuzumeki

by Rob

Streetlight Yuzumeki : Background

Streetlight Yuzumeki is a 5% fruit Helles from Streetlight Brewing, based in Sapporo, Hokkaido. It’s part of their winter seasonal lineup, with this having been first released in January 2024. As the name suggests, Streetlight Yuzumeki is brewed using locally sourced yuzu, aka Japanese citron, from Tokumshima prefecture, which are steeped during the latter stages of the boil.

Streetlight Yuzumeki : At A Glance

  • ABV : 5%
  • Style : Fruited beer
  • Hops : –
  • Adjuncts : Yuzu
  • IBU : –

Streetlight Yuzumeki : Sale Information

  • Availability : Winter seasonal
  • On Sale : From January 2024
  • Size : 350 ml

Streetlight Yuzumeki : Appearance

Poured out a slightly hazy golden colour with a large frothy and bubbly head that collapsed quickly to a few bubbles around the edge of the glass.

Streetlight Yuzumeki : Aroma

Light pilsner malt sweetness with a mellowed yuzu aroma that tries to cut through, but does not dominate the bouquet of the beer. Slightly chemical nose to it as the beer warms up later on in drinking.

Streetlight Yuzumeki : Taste

Slight astringent nature to the beer with the yuzu cutting through more in the body than in the nose. Low hop flavour to the beer, as well as low hop bitterness. The helles base was more in the background and could just be noticed as the beer warms up.

Streetlight Yuzumeki : The Bottom Line

It’s an ok beer, nothing really exciting or worth working yourself up for.

Streetlight Yuzumeki : Where to Buy

Streetlight Yuzumeki can be bought online at the following places:

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