Home Beer Review Himitsu Sea Dragon

Himitsu Sea Dragon

by Rob

Himitsu Sea Dragon : Background

Himitsu Sea Dragon is an 8.5% double IPA from Himitsu Beer, based in Ise, in Mie. It’s part of their canned and draught lineup though its availability, like other beers from Himitsu Beer, is unknown at the time of writing. Himitsu Sea Dragon is brewed with American and New Zealand hops, though which ones are unknown.

Himitsu Sea Dragon

Himitsu Sea Dragon : At A Glance

  • ABV : 8.5%
  • Style : Double IPA
  • Hops : –
  • Adjuncts : Grape juice
  • IBU : –

Himitsu Sea Dragon : Sale Information

  • Availability : Irregular
  • On Sale : From April 2023
  • Size : 350 ml

Himitsu Sea Dragon : Appearance

Slight hazy orange colour with a plump white head on top that left some lacing down the side of the glass. A few bubbles remained on top until the end of drinking.

Himitsu Sea Dragon : Aroma

Mixed pine resinous nose with some light grape and orange notes lingering in the background. Smooth sweetness on the nose, with the pine notes becoming more prominent during drinking.

Himitsu Sea Dragon : Taste

Medium bitter punch to start with, that leads to a pine and grape like flavour in the body. Subtle intermingling of flavours during drinking, with a supportive malt sweetness – more pale ale like – and a subtle alcohol heat just to take the edge of the hops. No noticeable off flavours or sourness.

Himitsu Sea Dragon : The Bottom Line

Himitsu Sea Dragon is a solid double IPA that is worth finding – let’s hope Himitsu Beer release it again.

Himitsu Sea Dragon : Where to Buy

Himitsu Sea Dragon can be bought online at the following places:

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