Home Beer Review Teenage Cucumber Slumber

Teenage Cucumber Slumber

by Rob

Teenage Cucumber Slumber : Background

Teenage Cucumber Slumber is a 5.5% gose from Teenage Brewing, based in Tokigawa, Saitama. It’s part of their canned and draught lineup, though its availability is unknown at the time of writing. As the name suggests, Teenage Cucumber Slumber is brewed with locally sourced cucumbers, but also contains kelp stock and dill and is a collaboration with Hiroo Kitahara (ex-Beer Brain Brewery, ex-Swan Lake Beer). This beer has also been given some music and suggested food to go alongside it : Pairing Music – The Sea and Cake / Oui (Album) and Pairing Food – Fresh Oysters

Teenage Cucumber Slumber

Teenage Cucumber Slumber : At A Glance

  • ABV : 5.5%
  • Style : Gose
  • Hops : –
  • Adjuncts : Cucumber, kelp stock, and dill.
  • IBU : –

Teenage Cucumber Slumber : Sale Information

  • Availability : –
  • On Sale : From August 2023
  • Size : 500 ml

Teenage Cucumber Slumber : Appearance

Vibrant hazy golden colour with a medium amount of pure white head on top that faded to a few bubbles on top of the beer.

Teenage Cucumber Slumber : Aroma

Peculiar – sea-like aroma to the nose with definite herbal dill. As it warms up, the saltiness becomes more pronounced and a light cucumber nose becomes present. Very weird – not quite like drinking a jar of pickle juice but definite allusions to something like a beer with a touch of the juice in it.

Teenage Cucumber Slumber : Taste

Sharp saltiness with sour notes. Herbal dill notes from start to finish and a really tough beer to nail down – do I like it or not?

Teenage Cucumber Slumber : The Bottom Line

It’s just a weird beer from start to finish – glad I tried it but even better that I only had a small glass of it.

Teenage Cucumber Slumber : Where to Buy

Teenage Cucumber Slumber can be bought online at the following places:

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