Rather than writing up individual reviews for these beers, we’ve come up with a page of beers for our recent trip to Liquid Laundry – which is a bar located in Shanghai, China. As these are draught beers, there is no guarantee that they will be on tap if and when you go there

Mewsty NE-IPA : Details
- Alcohol : 4.5%
- Style : Session NE-IPA
- IBU : 20
Mewsty NE-IPA : Mini Review
Appearance : Dull hazy yellow colour with a frothy white head that left streaks down the glass.
Aroma : Grapefruit and lemon when chilled, mango and pineapple as it warmed up. Low malt sweetness.
Body : Light bodied with a smooth bitterness. Very fruity body with citrus and tropical fruit notes. Well balanced beer and easy drinking.

TKO IPA : Details
- Alcohol : 6.5%
- Style : American IPA
- IBU : 62
TKO IPA : Mini Review
Appearance : Brownish-straw colour with a plump frothy head that left just a few bubbles down the side of the glass.
Aroma : Slightly musty with some light resinous notes – touch of citrus and a dollop of caramel to boot. Light alcohol heat as it warmed up.
Body : Smooth bitter punch that was followed by a resinous body with well-rounded caramel notes. Straightforward and simple American IPA.

Fire on the Hands Double IPA : Details
- Alcohol : 8%
- Style : Double IPA
- IBU : 56
Fire on the Hands Double IPA : Mini Review
Appearance : Cloudy dull brown straw colour with a frothy ever-so-slighlty off white head that faded to a few bubbles.
Aroma : Citrus notes of grapefruit and lemon alongside some mango and pineapple. Low alcohol heat and sweetness to the beer.
Body : Balanced sweetness and bitterness – citrus and tropical notes as in the nose. Smooth and easy drinking though alcohol comes through when beer has warmed up.

Extra Special Bitter : Details
- Alcohol : 5%
- Style : ESB
- IBU : 30
Extra Special Bitter : Mini Review
Appearance : Light brownish red colour with a minimal amount of head.
Aroma : Malt forward of caramel and nutty maltiness present. Earthy and floral hop notes.
Body : Light carbonation means an easy drinking beer. Combined with the malt forward flavour, slight yeast phenols, and earthy hop notes, all round tasty beer.