Otaru Dunkel is a 5% German Dunkel from Otaru Beer, based in Otaru, in Hokkaido. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Otaru Dunkel is brewed using a double decoction method and is aged for 4 weeks before being bottled.

Otaru Dunkel : At A Glance
- Alcohol : 5%
- Style : Dunkel
- Hops : Unknown
- IBU : Unknown
Sale Information
- Availability : Regular
- On Sale : From 1995
- Size : 330 ml
- Price : From 300 yen
Aroma & Taste
- Notable Aromas : Nutty caramel aroma with light dry fruit notes. Some noble hop aroma but faint.
- Notable Tastes : Caramel bready flavour with a light dry fruited aspect to it. Low bitterness.
Otaru Dunkel : Aroma & Taste
Otaru Dunkel poured out a deep ruby red colour with a thin amount of fluffy, slightly off-white head on top that faded to a few bubbles around the edge of the glass. Being a dunkel, don’t expect too much of a hoppy aroma from this beer – it was about the malts. The malts produced a nutty, caramel aroma with some breadiness to the nose as well as some light dry fruited notes that followed up when Otaru Dunkel had warmed up. There was just a touch of light noble hop aroma in the beer, but it was faint.
Otaru Dunkel started off with a dry, yet fruity caramel body, which was mild and soft. The bready caramel flavour was the most noticeable flavours from the malts, and continued to linger throughout drinking, but was not overpowering or cloying. The hops brought an extremely low amount of bitterness to Otaru Dunkel – enough to just slightly be present when warm but not enough to detract away from the malts.
Otaru Dunkel : The Bottom Line
Otaru Dunkel is your prototypical dunkel and a great example of one in Japan. Definitely worth a try.
Otaru Dunkel : Where To Buy
Otaru Dunkel can be bought online at the following places: