Yonezawa Jacks Zawo IPA is a 6% hazy IPA from Yonezawa Jacks Brewery, based in Yonezawa, in Yamagata, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition lineup, though this is the second time it has been made, and can be found in both bottles and on draught. Yonezawa Jacks Zawo IPA is brewed using Amarillo, Centennial, Citra, and Mosaic hops. Yonezawa Jacks Zawo IPA is also a collaborative beer, having been brewed in conjunction with the cafe “Otochaya” in the Zao Onsen area near Zao Ski Resort in Yamagata Prefecture.

Yonezawa Jacks Zawo IPA : At A Glance
- Alcohol : 6%
- Style : Hazy IPA
- Hops : US Amarillo, Centennial, Citra, and Mosaic
- IBU : Unknown
Sale Information
- Availability : Limited
- On Sale : From January 2021
- Size : 350 ml
- Price : From 935 yen
Aroma & Taste
- Notable Aromas : Musty fruity aroma of peach and lemon with a slight malt sweetness.
- Notable Tastes : Musty flavour with light bitterness. Mostly fruits of peach and lemon.
Yonezawa Jacks Zawo IPA : Aroma & Taste
Yes, before we carry on, we have to address the price of this beer. That is not a mistype or mistake, that is how much this beer cost. Is this beer worth it? No. Now we’ve got that out of the way, let’s move on.
Yonezawa Jacks Zawo IPA poured out a hazy orange colour with a large plump white head on top that clung to the side of the glass, leaving white streaks down the side. The aroma was a musty one though – very peculiar and I can only surmise it’s because the hops were either old, or this beer has oxidised somehow as it was bottled fresh. There was some hoppiness from the beer with a hint of peach and lemon that came through the mustiness but it wasn’t that strong as most hazy IPAs I’ve had. Once Yonezawa Jacks Zawo IPA had warmed up, there was a light dusting of malt sweetness but alas, as the beer warmed up, the mustiness became more pronounced.
While Yonezawa Jacks Zawo IPA looked good, the body had the same issues as the nose – the over pronounced mustiness just was too strong and dominated over everything else in the body. There were some hoppy flavours to be found with peach and lemon coming through the strongest, but the mustiness just was weird. There clearly was an issue with the hops or the bottling process as Yonezawa Jacks Zawo IPA tasted like expensive homebrew.
Yonezawa Jacks Zawo IPA : The Bottom Line
It was drinkable though to some extent but it was not a happy experience, nor one I would be willing to try again unless someone else paid for the beer.
Yonezawa Jacks Zawo IPA : Where To Buy
Yonezawa Jacks Zawo IPA can be bought online at the following places: