Nomcraft Pink Dynamo by Nomcraft Brewing

Nomcraft Pink Dynamo is a 4.5% fruited sour from Nomcraft Brewing, based in Aridagawa, in Wakayama, Japan. It’s part of their bottled and draught lineup, though its availability is unknown at the time of writing. Nomcraft Pink Dynamo is brewed using 2-Row, Wheat Malt, and Spitz Malt though the fruit comes in the form of raspberry puree and pineapple puree.

Nomcraft Pink Dynamo

Nomcraft Pink Dynamo Aroma and Taste

Do not adjust your sets – Nomcraft Pink Dynamo did come out a bright pink colour. It was such a lurid pink that I had to make sure that the label was correct and someone hadn’t switch it for a Hokkaido beer that shall not be named. The head was miniscule, just a few bubbles on top that popped and faded away. The aroma was all fruit – if there had been any hops added to this beer, then they probably were wasted as all I could smell from it was a sour funk, with raspberry and pineapple aromas. Fairly straightforward – it said on the label the ingredients and the aroma smelt like that.

The body was more of the same – a good way to get some vitamin C. In spite of being a sour, it wasn’t as complex as natural sour, so I suspect Nomcraft Pink Dynamo was more of a kettle sour. A straight up sour funk, with lots of fruit going on – raspberry and pineapple tartness to boot. And that’s how it stayed throughout drinking.

Nomcraft Pink Dynamo The Bottom Line

Nomcraft Pink Dynamo does what it says it will do but just lacks the traditional sour complexity some people may be looking for.

Where to Buy Nomcraft Pink Dynamo

Nomcraft Pink Dynamo can be bought online at the following places:

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