Arch Belgian White by Arch Brewery

Arch Belgian White is a 5% Belgian wit from Arch Brewery, based in Iwakuni, in Yamaguchi, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Arch Belgian White uses locally source sumo mandarin, a kind of orange, from Oshima, as well as the usual variety of spices found in a Belgian wit.

Arch Belgian White ・アーチベルギーウィート

Arch Belgian White Aroma and Taste

Arch Belgian White poured out a relatively clear golden straw colour with a plump fluffy white head on top that faded to a few bubbles around the outside of the glass. There was a distinct orange-like aroma coming off the beer, with some hints of coriander too once Arch Belgian White had warmed up. Like the other beers we’ve had from Arch Brewery, there was a faint buttery nose to it – is it an in-house infection or stressing of the yeast. While it is not off-putting, it is noticeable and “there” throughout drinking.

The initial bite of orange was more juicy than tart, with a lingering underlying pithiness to it. Seeing as Arch Brewery used the peel, it may have been a case of too much of the white pith had gotten into the peel, or the oils had been extracted for too long. It wasn’t a strong or off-putting flavour, but definitely noticeable when drinking. Arch Belgian White had a weak spice bite to it – again with some hints of coriander coming through – but it seemed that there was more focus on the fruits used in the beer rather than an overall balanced approach to the beer. The lingering orange flavoured carried on into the aftertaste, with just a modest amount of pilsner bite.

Arch Belgian White The Bottom Line

Balance out the fruity flavours with the base and Arch Belgian White could be a nice beer.

Where To Buy Arch Belgian White

Arch Belgian White can be bought online at the following places:

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