Songbird Bier de Miel by Brewery Songbird

Songbird Bier de Miel is a 6.5% spiced beer from Brewery Songbird, based in Kisarazu, in Chiba, Japan. It’s part of their seasonal lineup and can be found in bottles only. Songbird Bier de Miel is made using locally sourced honey from the Kisarazu area.

Songbird Bier de Miel・ソングバード ビール ビエール ド ミエル

Songbird Bier de Miel Aroma and Taste

Songbird Bier de Miel poured out a dark yellow / orange colour with a plump white head on top that clung to the side of the glass throughout drinking – and yes I drank the whole 750ml, and no I didn’t share it. Germs and stuff. Songbird Bier de Miel had a slight subtle honey sweetness to it but I wasn’t able to really detect what kind of flowers the bees had used to make this honey – my nose I guess just isn’t that accurate in determining these things. The malts were present with a faint biscuit nose coming through but overall, Songbird Bier de Miel was surprisingly light on aroma.

The body to Songbird Bier de Miel was thin, like the nose; however, the honey-like flavour was more noticeable. I don’t know when the honey went into the beer – before or after the yeast and worked its “magic” – but I suspect that some of the sugars had fermented off during the bottling as the body was gassier than expected. It was also surprisingly drier than expected but then the thin body was a bit of a giveaway there. Songbird are known for using Belgian yeast in their beers, but the lack of phenolic taste was a little bit of a disappointment in Songbird Bier de Miel, considering the size of the bottle. It finished off with a dry, sticky texture on the palate, and just the merest of hints that a Belgian yeast had been used with a tinge of phenols once the bottle had warmed up.

Songbird Bier de Miel The Bottom Line

Songbird Bier de Miel was a surprising disappointment from Brewery Songbird.

Where to Buy Songbird Bier de Miel

Songbird Bier de Miel can be bought online at the following places:

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