Home Beer Review Hitachino Nest Mosaic Lager by Kiuchi Brewery

Hitachino Nest Mosaic Lager by Kiuchi Brewery

by Rob

Hitachino Nest Mosaic Lager is a 4.5% India pale lager from Kiuchi Brewery, based in Naka-shi, in Ibaraki Japan. It’s part of their canned and draft lineup, and as the name suggests, it is brewed using imported Mosaic hops.

Hitachino Nest Mosaic Lager

Hitachino Nest Mosaic Lager Aroma and Taste

Hitachino Nest Mosaic Lager poured out a light golden colour that was quite clear, and was topped off with a thin amount of white head on top. However, what head there was, faded to a few bubbles around the side of the glass, with thin ribbons of white on top. In terms of aroma, if you have had a beer with Mosaic hops in, well lots of Mosaic hops in, you’ll know the pungent mango aroma it gives off. Hitachino Nest Mosaic Lager had one of the faintest aromas I’ve smelt from Mosaic hops – almost as if someone has waved a bag of hops in the general direction and hoped that the beer picked up a molecule or two of the aroma. There was more malt aroma off pilsner bite than of hops.

The body was lager-like from start to finish, with again, just a faint subtle taste of mango in the body. There was no discernable bitterness to Hitachino Nest Mosaic Lager – really nothing to note of at all, when chilled or when warm. It finished off with a fleeting sweetness and it was all gone.

Hitachino Nest Mosaic Lager The Bottom Line

If you haven’t had a beer with Mosaic hops in, there are better choices.

Where to Buy Hitachino Nest Mosaic Lager

Hitachino Nest Mosaic Lager can be found online at the following places:


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