TDM 1874 NZ IPA by TDM 1874 Brewery

TDM 1874 NZ IPA is a 6.5% American IPA from TDM 1874 NZ IPA, based in Tokaichiba, in Kanagawa, Japan. It’s part of their canned and draught lineup, though its availability at the time of writing is unknown. As the name suggests, TDM 1874 NZ IPA is brewed using imported NZ hops, though which ones are unknown at the time of writing. 

TDM 1874 NZ IPATDM 1874 NZ IPA 2

TDM 1874 NZ IPA Aroma and Taste

TDM 1874 NZ IPA poured out a slightly hazy golden orange colour with a thin amount of white head that faded to a few bubbles around the outside of the glass. The aroma was a mesmerizing grapefruit and lemon, with a touch of spicy pepper nose going on – with it kind of resembling a lemon pepper seasoning that is sometimes found on chicken. While not as potent as that seasoning, it did linger in the nose before segueing into a more tropical aroma with some mango and pineapple being the two resounding aromas in the nose. TDM 1874 NZ IPA seemed a bit dry, with just a faint malt sweetness being present but only once the second can had really warmed up. Yes, I got more than one can of this beer as I knew it was going to be good.

TDM 1874 NZ IPA had a smooth bitterness to it that played off against the flavours from the hops in a good manner. The citrusy lemon and grapefruit flavours were the first to come through, with a warming light pepperiness to bring some spice but not the heat, to the beer. Letting TDM 1874 NZ IPA warm up, if you can, allows more of the tropical flavours to come though though there was no discernible alcohol heat and nor were there any off flavours in this beer. The citrus and tropical flavours lingered long into the aftertaste, waiting for the next sip of beer, or in my case, gulp.

TDM 1874 NZ IPA The Bottom Line

American hops are the rage, but this shows that New Zealand hops are equally as good. Pick up a few cans.

Where to Buy TDM 1874 NZ IPA

TDM 1874 NZ IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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