Devilcraft Smolder by Devilcraft Brewery

Devilcraft Smolder is an 8.5% smoked Baltic porter from Devilcraft Brewery, based in Tokyo, Japan. It’s part of their bottled and draught lineup, though its availability at the time of writing is unknown. Devilcraft Smolder uses imported German malt, along with smoked Beech malt to impart the smokiness.

Devilcraft Smolder

Devilcraft Smolder Aroma and Taste

Devilcraft Smolder poured out a pitch black colour with a thin amount of tan head on top that faded quickly to a few bubbles on top and an oily slick covering the surface of the beer. The aroma that first came through was the smokiness of the beer that reminded me of a rauch, but not as, well, bacony I guess? The malts also brought forth a light chocolate and coffee aroma, with some caramel undertones but the smoke aroma was the most potent of the bunch. That is not to say that it was overpowering but it was the definitely noticeable. Hops? Nothing. I got nothing from them at all.

The body to Devilcraft Smolder was a cross between a schwarz and an imperial porter – not as light as the former, but not as thick as the latter – if that makes sense? The meaty smokiness of the beer was the first flavour to hit you, but it was soft and soothing, rather than punchy and abrasive. The body also tasted a bit like chocolate and coffee mixed in, with the heat from the alcohol being more pronounced as Devilcraft Smolder warmed up. The smoke flavour lingered into the aftertaste, though it was fleeting on the palate.

Devilcraft Smolder The Bottom Line

Devilcraft Smolder is an interesting take on a Baltic porter but the smokiness may put some off.

Where To Buy Devilcraft Smolder

Devilcraft Smolder can be bought online at the following places:

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