Octone Mori No Porter by Octone Brewing

Octone Mori No Porter is a 4.5% English porter from Octone Brewing, based in Minakami, in Gunma, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. As Octone Mori No Porter is an English style porter, it uses only Fuggle hops – not a personal favourite but if you’re brewing to style, then brew to ingredients too, I guess.

Octone Mori No Porter

Octone Mori No Porter Aroma and Taste

Octone Mori No Porter poured out a pitch black colour with a tiny amount of slightly tan coloured head on top that faded to a few bubbles around the side of the glass. The aroma was of dark malts – nothing acrid – with some light dusting of coffee and chocolate coming off the beer, and a hint of earthiness from the hops. Very straightforward all around to be honest, and unless you have a great dislike for coffee and chocolate, it’s also inoffensive on the nose too. As Octone Mori No Porter warmed up, there was more of roasted malt aroma to the body, but again, it wasn’t offensive by any means.

The body started off dry, with a lingering coffee and chocolate body, and some hints of roasted black malt to it. The Fuggles again came to show off their earthiness in this English porter and made me realise again how much I am disappointed with them. It’s not that they’re offensive hops, like Sorachi Ace, but they just don’t get my taste-buds tingling – which means they’re great for an English porter like Octone Mori No Porter. Octone Mori No Porter finished off with the roasted malt and chocolate flavours, though they faded fast from the aftertaste.

Octone Mori No Porter The Bottom Line

Octone Mori No Porter is your bog-standard English porter.

Where to Buy Octone Mori No Porter

Octone Mori No Porter can be bought online at the following places:

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