2nd Story American IPA by 2nd Story Ale Works

2nd Story American IPA is a 6.5% American IPA from 2nd Story Ale Works, based in Tokushima, in Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup, and can be found in both bottles and on tap across Japan. 2nd Story American IPA is brewed using imported Amarillo, Citra, and Opal hops.

2nd Story American IPA

2nd Story American IPA Aroma and Taste

2nd Story American IPA poured out a clear golden honey colour with a large amount of frothy white head on top, that faded to a few bubbles around the side of the glass. 2nd Story American IPA had a mixed aroma of peaches and pears going on – kind of unusual in an IPA, though there was a more classic lemony and orange aroma going on once 2nd Story American IPA had been given the chance to warm up. When the beer had warmed up, a hint of malt crystal caramel sweetness from the malts though it wasn’t overpowering or cloying. I couldn’t notice any off-flavours either from the aroma.

Expecting a bitter punch, 2nd Story American IPA had one, though it was fast and fleeting in compared to the flavours in the beer. The citrusy orange and lemon flavours were balanced on the palate, and were interspersed with some of the crystal malt sweetness that 2nd Story American IPA had going on. The hops brought a peachy flavour to the taste-buds that was nice, though a little off-putting compared to the citrus flavours; however, I suspect that could have been because I was expecting one flavour, and got some more bonus ones. The hops lingered on into the aftertaste before leaving a subtle sweetness on the palate.

2nd Story American IPA The Bottom Line

2nd Story American IPA is simple, sweet, and hits the spot.

Where to Buy 2nd Story American IPA

2nd Story American IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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