Shiokaze Kahawia Ale by Shiokaze Brewlab

Shiokaze Kahawia Ale is a 7% brown ale from Shiokaze Brewlab, based in Soga, in Chiba, Japan. It’s part of their bottled and draft line up, though its availbility at the time of writing is unknown. Shiokaze Kahawia Ale takes its name from the Swahili word “kahawia” means brown.

Shiokaze Kahawia Ale

Shiokaze Kahawia Ale Aroma and Taste

Shiokaze Kahawia Ale poured out a deep ruby reddish brown colour with a tan coloured head to it that was thick and bubbly though it collapsed to leave some thin tan rings around the edge of the glass. Shiokaze Kahawia Ale had a distinct nutty and caramel aroma to it with a hint of some earthy tones from the hops. There wasn’t any discernible yeast profile in the beer when chilled, nor was there any evidence of Shiokaze Kahawia Ale being bottle conditioned as I couldn’t see anything floating around in the glass. Once Shiokaze Kahawia Ale had warmed up, there was just a touchy of yeasty fruitiness but nothing untoward or overpowering.

The first thing that hits you with Shiokaze Kahawia Ale is the caramel notes, followed by the alcohol of it. At 7%, I was expecting something to come through, but perhaps it was my fault for completely forgetting I had a beer (this one) and opened up another one instead – something about old age kicking in I guess? However, it’s not an abrasive or gasoline-like flavour, but more warming. The nuttiness and earthiness in the body was, in a fortunate turn of events, more flavourful in the body than in the nose – something to be said about letting your beers warm up. The caramel flavour lingered into the aftertaste, with just a hint of nuttiness.

Shiokaze Kahawia Ale The Bottom Line

Shiokaze Kahawia Ale is a solid brown ale, if not a little boozy for the style.

Where to Buy Shiokaze Kahawia Ale

Shiokaze Kahawia Ale can only be bought from Shiokaze BrewStand in Soga, Chiba at the time of writing.

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