Kyoto Brewing Mario is a 7.5% Belgian Double IPA from Kyoto Brewing Company, based in Kyoto, Japan. It’s part of their autumnal lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. In spite of Kyoto Brewing Mario sharing its name with a famous Italian plumber that was also born in Kyoto, the beer takes its name as the big brother to another of Kyoto Brewing Company’s beers, Kyoto Brewing Ichii Senshin. Kyoto Brewing Mario is brewed using imported Chinook, Columbus, and Simcoe.
Kyoto Brewing Mario Aroma and Taste
Kyoto Brewing Mario poured out a relatively clear golden yellow colour with a plump white head on top that stuck around for quite a while. The aroma was unmistakably Belgian with a big phenolic nose to it which was yeasty from the beginning right through to the last drop of beer. The hops were fainter in comparison, with lemon and grapefruit coming through once my hose had gotten past the yeasty phenols. The malts were light and bready, though it was all about the yeasty phenols. If you let Kyoto Brewing Mario warm up though, it does open up with some more hoppy aromas of orange and mango but only once it had hit room temperature.
At 7.5%, it’s not on the top end of double IPAs, but what it lacks in alcohol, it makes up in some hoppy bitterness and yeast phenols. The yeasty phenols were smooth and pleasant with some lingering flavours lasting through the beer. The hops, once the bitterness had subsided, brought some lemon, orange, and grapefruit to take some of the edge off from the phenols. The alcohol was well-hidden, though the malt did bring a hint of bready sweetness once Kyoto Brewing Mario warmed up. Kyoto Brewing Mario finished off with a lingering yeasty flavour, and a faint citrus note.
Kyoto Brewing Mario The Bottom Line
Kyoto Brewing Mario is a nice little take that is worth picking up.
Where to Buy Kyoto Brewing Mario
Kyoto Brewing Mario can be bought online at the following places: