Sankt Gallen Space Hazy by Sankt Gallen

Sankt Gallen Space Hazy is a 7% NE-IPA from Sankt Gallen, based in Atsugi, in Kanagawa, Japan. It’s part of their collaborative line up and was brewed in conjunction with Uchu Brewing. This is the second version of the beer, with the first brewing brewed in 2019; however, due to Covid-19 in 2020, the two breweries were unable to brew together. Sankt Gallen Space Hazy uses Kaikogane hops which are a domestic breed bred in Yamanashi, Japan, with a bunch load of American hops being used as well.

Sankt Gallen Space Hazy

Sankt Gallen Space Hazy Aroma and Taste

I never thought I’d see the day that Sankt Gallen would make a hazy IPA, but here we are. Sankt Gallen Space Hazy poured out a very hazy dark orange colour with about a finger’s worth of fluffy white head on top that lingered through right to the end of the beer. The aroma coming off of Sankt Gallen Space Hazy was a large bouquet of tropical fruits along the lines of mango, pineapple, guava, with some orange and lemon present too. There was a touch of sweetness from the malts, but the fruitiness of the hops was unrelenting from start to finish.

From the first sip to the last gulp, Sankt Gallen Space Hazy was very smooth with no discerning off-flavours of note. The fruitiness from the hops though was more akin to a mixed juice effort, with the mango and pineapple contrasting against the vibrant orange and lemon notes nicely. There wasn’t any bitterness to Sankt Gallen Space Hazy when chilled, but there was a hint of one once it had warmed up. The malts brought a subtle sweetness to proceedings that helped the hops come through even more so, but also gave a slight respite from the citrusy aspects of the beer. The mango and pineapple flavours were present in the aftertaste too.

Sankt Gallen Space Hazy The Bottom Line

Perhaps I was taken by surprise but Sankt Gallen Space Hazy was a damn good effort at a style of beer I never thought Sankt Gallen would do.

Where to Buy Sankt Gallen Space Hazy

Sankt Gallen Space Hazy can be bought online at the following places:

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