Coedo Tsuyu Saison by Coedo

Coedo Tsuyu Saison is an 8.5% strong saison from Coedo, based in Saitama, Japan. It’s part of their collaborative range, as well as being their effort towards the “The One and Only” project. Coedo Tsuyu Saison was originally released back in July 2015 as collaboration between Stone Brewing (USA) & Garage Project (NZ). It is brewed with American Jarrylo and New Zealand Motueka hops, Tsuyu is infused with Ume plum and red perilla leaf and aged in freshly emptied New Zealand Chardonnay barrels.

Coedo Tsuyu Saison・コエド梅雨セゾン

Coedo Tsuyu Saison Aroma and Flavour

Coedo Tsuyu Saison poured out a relatively clear golden yellow colour with a thick white head on top that clung to the side of the glass throughout drinking. It had a light citrusy aroma but the plums and spiciness from the perilla leaf came through the most. Despite it being a strong saison, there wasn’t much yeast profile going on in the beer – perhaps the adjuncts had overpowered the yeast itself. A shame as I do like a bit of yeast profile in my saisons.

The fruity body reminded more of a white wine, which makes sense considering Coedo Tsuyu Saison had been aged in Chardonnay barrels. The plum and perilla leaf spiciness came through with some bready malt flavours, masking the alcohol heat well until Coedo Tsuyu Saison had warmed up to room temperature. Once Coedo Tsuyu Saison had warmed up, there was a prickliness to the beer which paired of against the tartness of the plums too. The lingering fruity body stayed through until the aftertaste though the plums did well to keep coming through.

Coedo Tsuyu Saison The Bottom Line

A bit more yeast profile would have been good in Coedo Tsuyu Saison.

Where to Buy Coedo Tsuyu Saison

Coedo Tsuyu Saison can be bought online at the following places:

This beer can also be bought at Seijo Ishii stores.

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