TDM Huell Melon Pale Ale by TDM 1874 Brewery

TDM Huell Melon Pale Ale is a 5.5% American Pale Ale from TDM 1874 Brewery, based in Tokaichiba, in Kanagawa, Japan. It’s part of their single hop series and can be found in both cans and on tap, though its availability throughout the year is unknown at the time of writing. As the name suggests, TDM Huell Melon Pale Ale is brewed using Huell Melon hop, which made its debut in 2012 and originate from Germany.

TDM Huell Melon Pale Ale・TDMヒュールメロンペール・エールTDM Huell Melon Pale Ale Aroma and Taste

TDM Huell Melon Pale Ale poured out a slightly dark golden honey colour with a massive amount of frothy white head on top that collapsed and left streaks down the side of the glass. Once the head had settled, TDM Huell Melon Pale Ale had a light melon and berry-like aroma to it – almost like strawberries, but I had none next to me to compare. The malt had just a light dusting of sweetness to it, as it was all about the Huell Melon hop in this beer. From the aroma, it seemed like a good balance had been struck – sometimes single-hop beers are too heavily hopped as brewers sometimes look for the maximum amount of aroma from a beer.

The body to TDM Huell Melon Pale Ale started with a light bitterness that was noticeable but not punchy. The melon and berry flavours were the first to come through – an interesting mix to have in a pale ale but it was quite refreshing and proved to be a nice agreeable flavour. While the basic flavours stayed the same, once TDM Huell Melon Pale Ale had warmed up, there was also a faint earthy flavour to the beer too. In the aftertaste, the melon and beery were the only flavours to be really noticeable.

TDM Huell Melon Pale Ale The Bottom Line

TDM Huell Melon Pale Ale is a good example of how a single hop beer can work well.

Where to Buy TDM Huell Melon Pale Ale

TDM Huell Melon Pale Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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