Nomcraft 5 Strings by Nomcraft Brewing

Nomcraft 5 Strings is a 6.5% NE-IPA from Nomcraft Brewing, based in Aridagawa, in Wakayama, Japan. It’s part of their collaborative range, and as such, may not be on sale at the time of reading. Nomcraft 5 Strings was brewed in collaboration with Len Kyoto Kawaramachi in Kawaramachi Kyoto and was brewed for their 5th anniversary. It’s unknown whether this is a one-off batch or if it will make an appearance in another form.

Nomcraft 5 Strings・ノンクラフト5ストリングス

Nomcraft 5 Strings Aroma and Taste

Nomcraft 5 Strings poured out a hazy dark honey brown colour with a slight thick and plumpy head on top that clung to the side of the glass like its existence depended on it – to which it did. The aroma coming off of Nomcraft 5 Strings was a medley of tropical and citrus fruits – orange and pineapple, lemon and mango, grapefruit and peaches. There was so much going on when Nomcraft 5 Strings had warmed up that is felt like a cacophony of flavours that just seemed to be a bit too much. For those readers more interested in the malts, they had a slight sweetness in the body but this beer is all about the hops.

It had a smooth bitterness that was neither lingering nor powerful, before segueing into the same tropical and citrus fruits that were present in the nose. The flavours were well balanced though they were strong compared to the malts. When Nomcraft 5 Strings warmed up though the orange and lemon did become more pronounced in terms of citrus flavours while the mango was the strongest of the tropical flavours. It finished off with a sticky mango flavour on the palate that lingered before leading into a citrusy lemon flavour that just had a touch of tartness to it .

Nomcraft 5 Strings The Bottom Line

I wasn’t expecting much from Nomcraft 5 Strings but it pleasantly surprised me.

Where to Buy Nomcraft 5 Strings

If Nomcraft 5 Strings is available, it can be bought online at the following places:

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