Kobo Premiant Pilsner by Kobo Brewery

Kobo Premiant Pilsner is a 5% Czech pilsner from Kobo Brewery, based in Toyama, in Toyama, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup, and can be found in both bottles and on tap across Japan. Kobo Premiant Pilsner is brewed using Premiant hop that was created by crossing of bitter varieties and Czech aroma varieties.

Kobo Premiant Pilsner・コボプレミアントピルスナー

Kobo Premiant Pilsner Aroma and Taste

Kobo Premiant Pilsner poured out a clear golden straw colour with a light fluffy head that collapsed fast to leave a few bubbles on top. The aroma was pure delight though – a subtle floral and lemony aroma with a base pilsner malt sweetness that came through. The aromas were well balanced and crisp. There was subtle butteriness to the aroma but nothing out of style, and if anything, is actually rather soothing on the nose.

The body was as crisp as the nose, but a little bit of sweetness too for boot. The hops brought the same floral and lemony flavour in the body, but it was restrained and also brought a slight crisp bitterness to the beer that was welcoming and did not outstay its welcome either. Being a pilsner, there’s a dearth of others out there to compare Kobo Premiant Pilsner against but with its simple and clean flavours, it didn’t last long and I was soon on the second.

Kobo Premiant Pilsner The Bottom Line

Japan has a plethora of good macro pilsners – Kobo Premiant Pilsner is a great craft pilsner that is worth drinking.

Where to Buy Kobo Premiant Pilsner

Kobo Premiant Pilsner can be bought online at the following places:

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