Vertere Cream by Vertere

Vertere Cream is a 5.4% mild ale from Vertere, based in Oku-tama, in Tokyo, Japan. It’s part of their all year round range and can be found in both cans and on tap. Vertere Cream is brewed using Maris Otter malt from the UK, as well as UK East Kent Goldings hops, as well as British Ale Yeast – a big change in the approach to the beers in the past from Vertere.

Vertere Cream Ale・バテレクーム・エール

Vertere Cream Aroma and Taste

Vertere Cream poured out a slightly hazy dark golden orange colour with a thick sticky white head on top that clung to the side of the glass throughout drinking. East Kent Goldings aren’t known for being a punchy hop – that’s because of the American C hops changing what people want from their hops – but the East Kent Goldings did bring a slight earthiness to the beer. It’s not going to really change your mind about the hops, nor will it excite you, but at least it’s something different from Vertere to be honest. The malts were more the star of the beer, with a lingering subtle caramel and rich malt aroma to the beer.

The body was smooth – not quite creamy as the name would suggest – with an underlying rich malt flavour. It certainly was a big change from most of the beers I’ve had from Vertere in the past – bold and punchy – and to be honest, it was a nice change from them. The yeast gave Vertere Cream a faint fruity aroma that grew more pronounced as Vertere Cream warmed up. The main negative thing about Vertere Cream was perhaps the alcohol was a bit too high for the style as it became more pronounced as well one the beer had warmed up some more.

Vertere Cream The Bottom Line

Reign in the alcohol just a tad and you’ve got a decent session beer.

Where to Buy Vertere Cream

Vertere Cream can be bought online at the following places:

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