Monkey Barleywine by Monkey Mountain

Monkey Barleywine is a 12% barleywine from Monkey Mountain Brewing based in Oita, located in Kyushu, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap, though the latter is harder to find. Not much is known about Monkey Barleywine besides it using some smoked malt as well as crystal malt during the brewing process.

Monkey Barleywine・モンキーバーレーワイン

Monkey Barleywine Aroma and Taste

Monkey Barleywine poured out a dark ruby brown colour with a medium amount of frothy off-white head on top that clung to the side of the glass. There was a distinct toffee and caramel aroma coming off the beer even when it was chilled, and that same aroma just got stronger as Monkey Barleywine warmed up. The smokiness to Monkey Barleywine was also interesting – an unusual aroma in that I’ve not knowing had that in a barley wine before. However, it was faint and worked well to cut through the overall sweetness of the beer. It wasn’t as smoky as a rauch beer, but it was a welcome twist on a style that is often just sweet and plummy.

Once Monkey Barleywine had been given the chance to warm up, that same toffee and caramel sweetness was in the body, and the typical plummy notes were also present for those looking for something like a traditional barley wine. The smokiness of the malts came through as well after the beer had been warmed up, again, bringing a nice twist to a style of beer that hasn’t really evolved much since its inception. Monkey Barleywine also had a touch of nuttiness to it as well that only came through after it had been warmed up. So let your barley wines warm up! Please!!

Monkey Barleywine The Bottom Line

Monkey Barleywine is a solid representation style with a nice little twist in the end.

Where to Buy Monkey Barleywine

Monkey Barleywine can be bought online at the following places:

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