Yggdrasil Brewing Roundup

Rather than writing our usual whole page review for a beer, we’ve come up with this mini review page for Yggdrasil Brewing at Yggdrasil Brewing in Hiratsuka.

Yggdrasil FenrirYggdrasil Fenrir Details

ABV: 5%

IBU: 25

Style: Session IPA

Yggdrasil Fenrir Mini Review

Appearance: Light golden colour that was slightly hazy, fluffy white head.

Aroma: Jammy – lots of strawberry and some mint going on too.

Taste: Smooth and crisp with some dryness to it. Strawberries and mint both in the body and aftertaste. Low bitterness.

Yggdrasil Rab ZombeeYggdrasil Rab Zombee Details

ABV: 3.9%

IBU: 10

Style: Raspberry weisse

Yggdrasil Rab Zombee Mini Review

Appearance: Cloudy dark golden colour with thin white head on top.

Aroma: Like the Fenrir, jammy but with a mixed bouquet of berry aromas. Raspberry and strawberry jam-like. Slight sour note to it.

Taste: Lingering sour raspberry tartness to the beer. Slightly sticky but easy-drinking. No hints of alcohol but at 3.5%, not a surprise. Good crushable beer for the summer.

Yggdrasil Mashpit IPAYggdrasil Mashpit DIPA Details

ABV: 7.9%

IBU: 45

Style: Double / Imperial IPA

Yggdrasil Mashpit DIPA Mini Review

Appearance: Dark straw colour with minimal head to the beer. What there was, faded to a few bubbles around the outside.

Aroma: Slight pithy and soapy aroma to it. Grape, orange, and peach nose once warmed up.

Taste: Low bitterness which was surprising. Fruity with the grape, orange, and peach flavours coming through when warm. No discernible alcohol heat either.

Yggdrasil Coffee HoderYggdrasil Coffee Hoder Details

ABV: 6%

IBU: 20

Style: Coffee porter

Yggdrasil Coffee Hoder Mini Review

Appearance: Pitch black colour with a surprisingly clean white head that lingers.

Aroma: Coffee all the way with some hints of light black malt and a dusting of chocolate.

Taste: Smooth but with a roasted coffee kick. When warmed up, black malts present but without acridity.

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