Ebina Beer Information

Ebina Beer is a craft beer brewery located in Ebina, in Kanagawa, Japan. Owned by Czech brewer Tomas Rehak and his wife Fumika, they have been operating since August 2017 and are the first brewery to be located in Ebina. Rehak spent 20 years as part of the well – oiled machine of the Prague orchestra, before moving to Japan to focus brewing on Czech style beers, a much underappreciated style of beer in Japan. In 2019, they began to expand their operations with a bottling machine so you can now buy some of their beers to takeaway.

Ebina Beer Lineup

The following are some of the beers from Ebina Beer that we have tried.

  • Ebina Hefeweizen – a 5% hefeweizen brewed to a traditional recipe.
  • Ebina Uppun IPA – a 6.5% American IPA  first brewed in January 2018 as a response to the demand from the public for an IPA.
  • Ebina Pale Ale – a 5.5% American pale ale.
  • Ebina Lager – a 5% Czech lager brewer that is also the flagship beer for Ebina Beer.
  • Ebina Dark Lager – a 5% dark lager, known as a tmavý.

Ebina Beer Articles

Ebina Beer Details

Address: 5-5-4 Ogicho, Ebina, Kanagawa 243-0436

Phone: 046-259-8730

Homepage (in Japanese): https://ebina-beer.owst.jp/

Brewery Store: https://ebinabeer246.company.site/

Social Media: Facebook

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