Hitachino Nest Brewbase Freaks by Kiuchi Brewery

Hitachino Nest Brewbase Freaks is a 5% NE-IPA from Kiuchi Brewery, based in Ibaraki, Japan. It’s part of their collaborative Brewbase range with this one being brewed with Freak’s Store, based in Shinjuku. It is brewed with the experimental hop HBC431 and also imported Mosaic hops. At the time of writing, it’s unknown whether Hitachino Nest Brewbase Freaks is a one-off or not.

Hitachino Nest Brewbase Freaks・常陸野ネストブルーベースフリークス

Hitachino Nest Brewbase Freaks Aroma and Taste

Hitachino Nest Brewbase Freaks poured out a hazy muddy orange brown colour with a medium amount of frothy off-white head on top that was sticky enough to cling onto the side of the glass. For a NE-IPA, the aromas were quite muted, with just a smidgen of fruity grapefruit, lemon, and earthy notes to it. There was also a faint sweetness to the beer, but both the hops and malts lacked any real depth in aromas to justify Hitachino Nest Brewbase Freaks being called a NE-IPA.

The body was more of the same really – everything just tasted muted or dull, with just perhaps the faintest hint of oxidation in the hops. The grapefruit and lemon flavours were the bitterest thing about Hitachino Nest Brewbase Freaks – there was no actual bitterness like you would get from an IPA. Even when warmed up, Hitachino Nest Brewbase Freaks lacked any real punch in the flavours – almost seeming like as it been a watered down version of a NE-IPA.

Hitachino Nest Brewbase Freaks The Bottom Line

Hitachino Nest Brewbase Freaks is a prime example of a wishy-washy NE-IPA and one that really lets down the style.

Where to Buy Hitachino Nest Brewbase Freaks

Hitachino Nest Brewbase Freaks can be bought online at the following places:

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1 comment

Rob December 10, 2019 - 7:40 am

I doubt it highly – don’t think the demand for it is there really.


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