Yatsugatake Kiyosato Lager by Yatsugatake Brewery

Yatsugatake Kiyosato Lager is a 5.5% German pilsner from Yatsugatake Brewery, based in Yamanashi, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round range of beers and can be found in bottles and on tap. Yatsugatake Kiyosato Lager is named after the village that Yatsugatake Brewery is based in, and also uses locally sourced rice from the Kiyosato area.

Yataugatake Kiyosato Lager・八ヶ岳清里ラガー

Yatsugatake Kiyosato Lager Aroma and Taste

Yatsugatake Kiyosato Lager poured out a light straw colour with a thin white head on top that faded fast to a few bubbles on top. Yatsugatake Kiyosato Lager had the faintest rice-like aroma to it with a meagre noble hop aroma to it. One thing Yatsugatake Kiyosato Lager wasn’t lacking was a sulphide-like buttery aroma to it – a little is to be expected in a pilsner but this way above and beyond what was normal for a German style pilsner to be honest.

This extended into the body of Yatsugatake Kiyosato Lager – a buttery grainy taste to a thin body. It wasn’t a terrible beer but it wasn’t really indicative of what a German pilsner should be like. The rice did come through a lot stronger once Yatsugatake Kiyosato Lager had warmed up, but by that point, what was the point with the butteriness peculiarly blending the flavours together.

Yatsugatake Kiyosato Lager The Bottom Line

Yatsugatake Kiyosato Lager is a boring and bland example of a German pilsner. Give it a wide berth.

Where to Buy Yatsugatake Kiyosato Lager

Yatsugatake Kiyosato Lager can be bought online at the following places:

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