Kakegawa Lush Life by Kakegawa Farm Brewing

Kakegawa Lush Life is a 6.5% porter from Kakegawa Farm Brewing, based in Kakegawa, in Shizuoka, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Kakegawa Farm Brewing is brewed using freshly roasted and ground coffee beans sourced from Hug Cafe, a local coffee shop in the Shizuoka city area.

Kakegawa Lush Life 1・カケガワラッシュライフ1Kakegawa Lush Life 2・カケガワラッシュライフ2

Kakegawa Lush Life Aroma and Taste

Kakegawa Lush Life poured out a dark ruby brown colour with a large amount of frothy off-white head that just didn’t relent. It took ages to finally settle and when it did, it left a small oily ring of bubble around the side of the glass. Kakegawa Lush Life had a strong roasted coffee and sweet chocolate aroma, almost as if someone had poured in a few teaspoons of sugar into the beer. It wasn’t unpleasant but it did smell like some artificial aroma.

The initial flavour to Kakegawa Lush Life was more a smooth bitter coffee flavour than of actual beer – I don’t know how much coffee went into Kakegawa Lush Life, but guessing quite a bit. Once it had warmed up, Kakegawa Lush Life did develop some more traditional porter-like flavours with some hints of roasted barley and a touch of chocolate coming through too. The smoothness of Kakegawa Lush Life continued too when it was warm, though it left a lingering slightly-burnt coffee like flavour to it.

Kakegawa Lush Life The Bottom Line

Kakegawa Lush Life isn’t a bad coffee-infused beer, but I suspect the coffee is just hiding an average beer at best.

Where to Buy Kakegawa Lush Life

Kakegawa Lush Life can be bought online at the following places:

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