Derailleur Piano Lesson for Intruders by Derailleur Brew Works

Derailleur Piano Lesson for Intruders is a 3% grisette from Derailleur Brew Works, based in Osaka, Japan. Derailleur Piano Lesson for Intruders was first released in October 2018 and it is part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and in a few places on tap in the Kansai area. Not much is known about Derailleur Piano Lesson for Intruders, besides it having an IBU of 20 and an SRM of 4 units.

Derailleur Piano Lesson for Intruders・ディレイラ闖入者たちのピアノレッスン

Derailleur Piano Lesson for Intruders Aroma and Taste

I’ve got to be honest and say I’ve never had a grisette before – or not knowingly so. Before opening, I had to do a fair bit of research to make sure that I knew what I was supposed to be drinking.

But the first thing I noticed was that considering Derailleur Brew Works state that Derailleur Piano Lesson for Intruders has an SRM of 4, the body was a lot darker than the colour it should have been. Perhaps that was a warning sign but it’s not like we pay much heed to them. With grisettes being much lighter in colour, Derailleur Piano Lesson for Intruders kind of failed on that one. Moreover, there was a huge buttery sweetcorn nose to it – a big indicator of DMS – a notorious off-flavour and something that most definitely is not supposed to be in a beer. At least with this beer having a distinct sour note to it, be it an accidental infection or a deliberate flavouring, they got something right with it.

The body to Derailleur Piano Lesson for Intruders was just as messy as the nose was – huge amounts of sweetcorn aroma going on in it, with a sour, funky yeasty-like kick to it. At 3%, I expected this beer to be thin on taste, and it was. Perhaps the best description for this beer would be it tasted like a watered down saison with some buttered corn added during fermentation.

Derailleur Piano Lesson for Intruders The Bottom Line

Derailleur Piano Lesson for Intruders is nothing like a grisette is supposed to be. Avoid.

Where to Buy Derailleur Piano Lesson for Intruders

Derailleur Piano Lesson for Intruders can be bought online at the following places:

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