TDM 1874 Leitungswasser Kölsch by TDM 1874 Brewery

TDM 1874 Leitungswasser Kölsch is a 5% kölsch from TDM 1874 Brewery, based in Tokaichiba, in Kanagawa, Japan. TDM 1874 Leitungswasser Kölsch is part of their summer lineup and can be found in cans and also on tap. TDM 1874 Leitungswasser Kölsch was first released in 2017, and its popularity meant it came back again in the summer of 2019.  Its name is of German origin and translates to “tap water” – perhaps hinting to the idea that it can be drunk easily. It’s brewed using both German malts and hops for this 2019 edition.

TDM 1874 Leitungswasser Kölsch・TDM 1874 レイタンスヴァサーケルシュ

TDM 1874 Leitungswasser Kölsch Aroma and Taste

First things first, take a look at that awesome can design. That’s how can designs should be done and TDM 1874 Brewery have got the man behind Mystery Cuts Radio to thank for that. Anyway, back to the beer. TDM 1874 Leitungswasser Kölsch poured out a light straw colour with a frothy white head on top that lingered for a while. The body was crystal clear – no yeast protein or trub in this one. It had a slightly sour and lemony nose to it, with hints of light biscuit and honey to it too.

The body though – wow! I drank this on a (rare) hot summer day in July 2019 – the month of rain it seemed – but TDM 1874 Leitungswasser Kölsch just was such an easy drinking beer that I’m glad I bought two of them. It had a crisp, slightly bitter lemon kick to it at first, but then followed up with a light biscuit, pilsner sweetness to it. The body was quite dry and before I knew it, the first can had been drunk. It finished off with a subtle floral and bitter aftertaste, but it didn’t linger.

TDM 1874 Leitungswasser Kölsch The Bottom Line

A great example of a kölsch and well worth finding it before the summer finishes.

Where to Buy TDM 1874 Leitungswasser Kölsch

TDM 1874 Leitungswasser Kölsch can be bought online at the following places:

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