Tokaido Beer Roundup

Rather than writing our usual whole page review for a beer, we’ve come up with this mini review page for Tokaido Beer at Tokaido Beer Kawasaki Factory.

Tokaido Beer Kawasaki Factory Beer 1・Tokaido Beer Kawasaki・東海度ビール川崎工場ビール1Tokaido Beer 1623 Details

ABV: 6%


Style: Belgian IPA

Tokaido Beer 1623 Mini Review

Appearance: Subtle hazy golden orange with hints of brown. Small white head that faded fast.

Nose: Slight Belgian yeast nose to it with some fruity catty hop aroma.

Body: Initial bitterness fades to a sweet, lemon, yeasty body. Lingering fruitiness from hops.

Tokaido Beer Kawasaki Factory Beer 1・Tokaido Beer Kawasaki Beer 2・東海度ビール川崎工場ビール2Tokaido Beer Kuroi Shikan (Black Relaxation)

ABV: 7%


Style: Belgian Stout

Tokaido Beer Kuroi Shikan (Black Relaxation) Mini Review

Appearance: Pitch black body with a slightly off-white tan head that lingered.

Nose: Herby but restrained. Chocolate and coffee came through once it had warmed up.

Body: Light, restrained tea and nutty quality to it. Slight acrid bite to it, with a thin body. Well-balanced.

Tokaido Beer Kawasaki Factory Beer 1・Tokaido Beer Kawasaki Beer 3・東海度ビール川崎工場ビール3Tokaido Beer Mugi No Deai (Wheat Encounter) Details

ABV: 5%


Style: Wheat Ale

Tokaido Beer Mugi No Deai (Wheat Encounter) Mini Review

Appearance: Golden straw colour with a minimal amount of head that lingered.

Nose: Wheat and biscuit nose. Fruity with some orange and coriander coming through when warmed up.

Body: Crisp fruity bite, with a small amount of coriander coming through when warmed up.

Tokaido Beer Kawasaki Factory Beer 1・Tokaido Beer Kawasaki Beer 4・東海度ビール川崎工場ビール4Tokaido Beer Usubeni no Kojitsu (Thin Crimson Excuse) Details

ABV: 5%


Style: Flanders Red Ale

Tokaido Beer Usubeni no Kojitsu (Thin Crimson Excuse) Mini Review

Appearance: Ruby red colour, with a thin white head that faded fast. Clear with no haze to it.

Nose: Fruity with hints of berries and a light dusting of sourness to it.

Body: Like the nose, sour with some fruity berries going on in the body. The sour isn’t overpowering but noticeable. Lingering.

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