Ise Kadoya Pirate King IPA by Ise Kadoya

Ise Kadoya Pirate King IPA is a 6.5% American IPA from Ise Kadoya, based in Mie, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition and can be found in bottle and on taps across Japan. Ise Kadoya Pirate King IPA is brewed using Crystal and Munich malts along with Cluster, Simoce, Motueka, Equanot, Mosaic, and Citra hops. At the time of writing, it’s unknown if Ise Kadoya Pirate King IPA is a one-off release or we’ll see another version of it soon. Let’s hope it’s the latter.

Ise Kadoya Pirate King IPA・伊勢角谷パイレットキングIPA

Ise Kadoya Pirate King IPA Aroma and Taste

Ise Kadoya Pirate King IPA poured out darker than your usual American IPA, with a slight dark hazy orange colour and a plump white head on top that clung to the side of the glass. Ise Kadoya Pirate King IPA instantly reminded me of the class West Coast IPA of old – a dank, piney, resinous nose, with some citrus lemon going on, followed up by a light caramel sweetness just to balance everything out. And that was when the beer was still chilled. As it warmed up, Ise Kadoya Pirate King IPA’s aroma became stronger, but still kept its good qualities to it.

The initial bitterness to Ise Kadoya Pirate King IPA was nice as it paired off with the fruity pineapple and grapefruits that came though; however, it was the dank, piney, resinous that kept me coming back for more. Those flavours didn’t relent and they weren’t going to throughout drinking. The flavours lingered right through the beer, with the dankness carrying on right through into the aftertaste. And I wanted more. The downside… I only had one bottle.

Ise Kadoya Pirate King IPA The Bottom Line

If you’re craving a West Coast IPA, then look no further than Ise Kadoya Pirate King IPA. Seriously go get a few bottles. Now.

Where to Buy Ise Kadoya Pirate King IPA

Ise Kadoya Pirate King IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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