AJB Saison De La Maison by Anglo Japanese Brewing Company

AJB Saison De La Maison is a 5.5% saison from Anglo Japanese Brewing Company, based in Nozawa Onsen, in Nagano, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition line up and can be found in both bottles and on tap across Japan. AJB Saison De La Maison is also a collaborative beer, this time made with BET, a Japanese company that specializes in helping set up breweries with equipment and resources. AJB Saison De La Maison is brewed using imported Ireks pilsner, sour, spelt, rye, and black wheat malts, and is hopped using Aramis, Mistral, and Strisselspelt.

アングロジャパニーズブルーイングカンパニー セゾン デ ラ メイソン AJB Co. Saison de la Maison

AJB Saison De La Maison Aroma and Taste

Don’t adjust your screen – that is indeed how the beer looks! Completely unexpected for a saison to be honest and I had to go and check online to make sure I had received the right beer. I should have guessed with the addition of black wheat malt. AJB Saison De La Maison had a dark brown / black body and had a massive fluffy off-white tan head that lingered for what seemed to be ages – those big fluffy bubbles clinging to the side of the glass right until the very end. The aroma was most peculiar – AJB Saison De La Maison had the usual saison aroma of fruity funk, but the rustic, slightly peppery and sour notes that came through balanced nicely against them. It almost smelt like an Orval with fruity funk.

The sour flavour was the first one to come through during tasting but it was a deliberate sourness that was gentle and not offensive. AJB Saison De La Maison’s body was light and crisp with a lingering tartness that balanced itself with the hint of chocolate present. The Belgian funk came through once it had warmed up but my taste buds were confused by all of the flavours going on. AJB Saison De La Maison finished off with that lingering tartness that became ever so slightly stronger once the beer had warmed up.

AJB Saison De La Maison The Bottom Line

I enjoyed AJB Saison De La Maison for it is something different on a style of beer that has so much variety to it.

Where to Buy AJB Saison De La Maison

AJB Saison De La Maison can be bought online at the following places:

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