Ebina Dark Lager by Ebina Beer

Ebina Dark Lager is a 5% dark lager, known as a tmavý, from Ebina Beer, based in Ebina, in Kanagawa, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap at the bar.

Ebina Dark Lager・エビナダークラガー

Ebina Dark Lager Aroma and Taste

First things first, I need to apologise about the glass. I thought I had washed it before pouring Ebina Dark Lager into it – I was so confident as I gave it a good rinse too as well. But then there’s nothing like a dark coloured beer to pick up every. single. imperfection. Ebina Dark Lager was pitch black and did a great job in showing how dirty my glass was – a lesson learnt. However, Ebina Dark Lager did have a roasted black malt nose to it, with some charcoal-like quality to it. There was a very faint nose of noble hop to Ebina Dark Lager, but it was all about the dark malts.

The softness of Ebina Dark Lager can not be understated – this really was a smooth beer to drink, with very little of that typical acrid black malt flavour that permeates through dark beers at time. The sweetness was also restrained too, with just a smidgen of caramel and pilsner coming though. Ebina Dark Lager had a faint bitterness to it but the fruity flourish at the end was tasty and smooth.

Ebina Dark Lager The Bottom Line

Ebina Dark Lager is very easy-drinking and I’m glad that the acridity of the malts was restrained.

Where to Buy Ebina Dark Lager

Ebina Dark Lager can only be bought at Ebina Beer.

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