Daisen G Scottish Ale by Kumezakura Brewery

Daisen G Scottish Ale is a 6% Scottish ale from Kumezakura Brewery, based in Tottori, Japan. It’s part of their winter seasonal line up and can be found in both bottles and on tap when on sale. Since it first came on sale, Daisen G Scottish Ale has had its abv increased from 4.5% to its current level of 6% now.

Daisen G Scottish Ale 大山GスコティッシュエールDaisen G Scottish Ale Aroma and Taste

Daisen G Scottish Ale poured out a hazy dark brown colour and had a strong caramel bready nose to it. There was also a residual roasted grain to it once it had warmed up – and if you’re drinking Daisen G Scottish Ale cold then you’re going to miss out on A LOT of the aromas and flavours.

The body was all malts, with no hop bitterness or flavour to Daisen G Scottish Ale. The body was thinner and more watery than I expected, which meant the boldness of the flavours couldn’t come through. The flavours felt muted with some caramel and grain coming through before being washed away.

Daisen G Scottish Ale The Bottom Line

For a brewery that usually produces some good beers, Daisen G Scottish Ale was a disappointment.

Where to Buy Daisen G Scottish Ale

Daisen G Scottish Ale can be bought online at the following:

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