Baird Kurofune Porter by Baird Beer

Baird Kurofune Porter is a 6% porter from Baird Beer. It’s part of their regular lineup and is available year-round.

…And I’m back! Reports of my death etc etc. It’s been a couple of month since I’ve been around the site, and I’ve had a nice break. But now it’s back to the grind! Yes, I’m back to my gruelling schedule of two reviews a month!

So to welcome myself back (Welcome back, me) I’m going to review Baird’s Kurofune Porter. No idea how this one slipped under the radar as it’s pretty ubiquitous. Hm. Don’t read too into it, folks. Anyway, here we go!

Baird Kurofune Porter Aroma and Taste

Baird Kurofune Porter pours out a thick black with a dark brown colour around the edges. It practically flew out of the bottle with a minimum of fuss and about a centimetre of beige head.

There’s a lot of coffee on the nose, as well as black malt and bitter chocolate. Tasting the beer gives much of the same, with a nicely balanced (how many times reviews of Baird beers contain the words “nicely balanced”, I wonder?) blend of coffee, chocolate and a bitter hop edge.

Baird Kurofune Porter The Bottom Line

Baird Kurofune Porter is a great example of a porter. It’s got such a coffee flavour you could definitely make the case for drinking it in the morning. If you were so inclined. Drink responsibly!

Where to Buy Baird Kurofune Porter

Baird Kurofune Porter can be bought online at the following:

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