Iwate Kura Fukukou Ale by Sekinoichi Shuzo

Iwate Kura Fukukou Ale is a 5% sour ale from Sekinoichi Shuzo, based in Iwate, Japan. It’s part of a limited edition series, in collaboration with Kitasato University and uses yeast that has been grown in labs. The yeast is collected from the Ishikura cherry tree, a natural treasure of 360 years old. The laboratory was washed away by the earthquake and the yeast was about to die.  A part of the sales from  this beer will be used to restore the Sanriku fishery, so you can drink and help support the local rebuilding efforts after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake.

Iwate Kura Fukukou Ale いわて蔵ふくこうエール

Iwate Kura Fukukou Ale Aroma and Taste

Iwate Kura Fukukou Ale poured out a hazy golden orange colour with a minimal amount of head on top. The pungent sourness was evident from the start – if you’ve never had a sour beer then I really really really wouldn’t start with this beer. It’s a funky off-like aroma – not quite on a vinegar level but it will make your nostrils pick up or wake up if you’ve been dozing. Iwate Kura Fukukou Ale had some fruity notes to it as well, with some lemon and peachy. This bottle had been aged in the fridge for about 4 months, so drinking it fresh may be less sour.

The sourness is definitely going to give your taste buds a beating. I’ve read that Iwate Kura Fukukou Ale isn’t that sour when fresh, but as mentioned, this has been aged for a few months and the sourness kicked in from the start, pitched up a tent, and stayed for so long I should have been charging it rent. The dryness of the body exacerbated the sourness even more so, but the easy drinking nature meant this would be good on a hot summer’s day.

Iwate Kura Fukukou Ale The Bottom Line

Iwate Kura Fukukou Ale is something different that was not expected. It’s not for the faint of heart, but if you’re looking for a beer to assault your taste buds, then check it out.

Where to Buy Iwate Kura Fukukou Ale

Iwate Kura Fukukou Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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