Hansharo Barrel Aged Saison by Hansharo Beer

Hansharo Barrel Aged Saison is a 7% saison from Hansharo Beer, based in Shizuoka, Japan. It’s part of their spring seasonal lineup and can be found in bottles and on tap at the time of writing. Hansharo Barrel Aged Saison, also known as uguisu saison, was aged in wine barrels for three months during winter and came on sale in March 2018. It’s unknown whether Hansharo Barrel Aged Saison is a one off, or an annual brew at the time of writing.Hansharo Barrel Aged Saison 反射炉花見鳥セゾン

Hansharo Barrel Aged Saison Aroma and Taste

Hansharo Barrel Aged Saison poured out a hazy dark golden orange colour with a light white head on top that faded fast. The barrel aging from the white wine was noticeable straightaway – as were some weird off aroma. Phenolic, medicine-like aromas were noted and only got stronger as Hansharo Barrel Aged Saison warmed up. When chilled it was barely noticeable but sitting out in the sun meant the beer warmed fast, and the aromas came through stronger and stronger.

The body was just like the nose – a thick cough syrup like body with phenolic medicinal flavours going on. Hansharo Barrel Aged Saison was definitely still in date – the label said we had until July, but this just wasn’t sitting right on the palate or in the stomach. In the end, Hansharo Barrel Aged Saison became too much and I couldn’t finish it. Luckily just by where I was sitting there were some hops. Just doing our job for recycling in Japan I guess.

Hansharo Barrel Aged Saison The Bottom Line

Either Hansharo Barrel Aged Saison is infected or it’s off – either way, give it a miss.

Where to Buy Hansharo Barrel Aged Saison

Hansharo Barrel Aged Saison can be bought online at the following places:

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