Zumona Alt by Tono Zumona Beer

Zumona Alt is a 5% altbier from Tono Zumona Beer, based in Iwate, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round range of beers and can be found on both tap and on draft in some places.

Zumona Alt ずもなアルト

Zumona Alt Aroma and Taste

Zumona Alt poured out a copper red colour with a head that had a reddish tinge to it. The head faded fast to a thin ring of bubbles around the edge of the glass. There was a distinct sweet caramel and toffee aroma coming off of Zumona Alt. There was also a slightly plummy aroma to it too but it’s all malt in Zumona Alt.

The body was light to medium – enough to support the typical flavours – caramel and toffee – while the earthy hops but the flavours faded too fast to leave a slight sticky residue on the tongue.

Zumona Alt The Bottom Line

Zumona Alt is well made but it’s over all to fast for the price.

Where to Buy Zumona Alt

Zumona Alt can be bought online at the following places:

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