Awaji Pilsner by Awaji Beer

Awaji Pilsner is a 5% pilsner from Awaji Beer, based in Hyogo, Japan. It’s part of their all year round lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap across Japan. Unlike other breweries in Japan, Awaji Beer didn’t start out with a pilsner, with this beer not being brewed till much later on.

Awaji Pilsner あわじピルスナー

Awaji Pilsner Aroma and Taste

Excuse the halloween label as Awaji Pilsner has nothing to do with halloween. Awaji Beer were still selling their beers with these labels on right up until the end of December it seemed. With a shelf life of 6 months though, I was surprised to get this version in the mail.

Awaji Pilsner poured a deep golden orange colour with a large frothy white head on top that collapsed quickly to about 1/4 of the original size. There was a slight buttery nose to it along with some biscuit malts too. If there were any hops in Awaji Pilsner then I completely missed them as they brought nothing to the beer.

Likewise, the hops were negligible during drinking too. Awaji Pilsner didn’t taste too dissimilar to your usual macro pilsner either. Sweet? Check. Bland? Check. Uninspiring? Check. Forgettable? Check.

Awaji Pilsner The Bottom Line

Awaji Pilsner is nothing special and not any better than your usual macro beer.

Where to Buy Awaji Pilsner

Awaji Pilsner can be bought online at the following places:

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