Awaji Weizen by Awaji Beer

Awaji Weizen is a 5% German hefeweizen from Awaji Beer, based in Hyogo, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap in some places across Japan. It’s brewed using two kinds of hops, though which ones are unknown.

Awaji Weizen あわじヴァイツェン

Awaji Weizen Aroma and Taste

Worryingly, Awaji Weizen poured out with a limp white head on top that lack any kind of life to it – no plump fluffy white head on this one, but instead a few bubbles that faded fast to a thin ring around the glass. At least the body, with its straw yellow colour, looked something like a hefeweizen. The aroma though was quite peculiar, with some hints of banana and clove that masked a buttery nose to it when Awaji Weizen had warmed up.

Awaji Weizen didn’t have much of your prototypical hefeweizen body to it either. The flavours were washed out and lacked anything outstanding to them – some hints of banana and clove, but mostly some off buttery flavours and a weird sourness came to the forefront. The bottle was well in date but I couldn’t bring myself to drink all of it in one sitting. The sour buttery aftertaste left its indelible mark on my tongue.

Awaji Weizen The Bottom Line

Awaji Weizen hasn’t changed its recipe since it was first brewed – that is not a good thing. Avoid this one if you get the chance.

Where to Buy Awaji Weizen

Awaji Weizen can be bought online at the following places:

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