Kamikatz Golden Rain by Rise & Win Brewing Company

Kamikatz Golden Rain is a 6% spiced beer from Rise & Win Brewing Company, based in Tokushima, Japan. It’s part of the limited edition lineup and can be found in bottles and on tap from December onwards. Kamikatz Golden Rain was first released in December 2017 and is brewed using locally sourced lemons and ginger. At the time of writing, it’s unknown if Kamikatz Golden Rain is an annual release or not.

Kamikatz Golden Rain カミカツゴールデン レイン

Kamikatz Golden Rain Aroma and Taste

Kamikatz Golden Rain poured out hazy golden brown colour with a large frothy white head on top that lingered for what seemed eternity; clinging to the side of the glass right until the bitter end. It had a distinctly fresh ginger aroma though the lemon was kind of missed out on due to the ginger being overpowering to the extent that anything else was lost.

The malty body did bring some relief to the ginger in Kamikatz Golden Rain, with the malts producing a caramel body that was balanced well. The lemon brought a slight bitter end to the beer, appearing just as soon as I had forgotten it was in the beer. Kamikatz Golden Rain is supposed to be a Christmas beer but it felt more like something that was brought out to sell.

Kamikatz Golden Rain The Bottom Line

At ¥700, I can’t recommend Kamikatz Golden Rain as it’s distinctly average at best.

Where to Buy Kamikatz Golden Rain

Kamikatz Golden Rain can be bought online at the following places:

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