Hansharo Shizuoka Sake Yeast Beer by Hansharo Beer

by Rob

Hansharo Shizuoka Sake Yeast Beer is a 5% speciality beer from Hansharo Beer, based in Shizuoka, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round range of beers and can be found in both bottles and on tap. It’s also known as Hansharo Daijingo Masako, though the yeast used, a popular local strain is the same type for both beers – called daijingo.

Hansharo Shizuoka Sake Yeast Beer 反射炉大吟醸ビール

Hansharo Shizuoka Sake Yeast Beer Aroma and Taste

Hansharo Shizuoka Sake Yeast Beer poured out a deep orange red colour with a large frothy white head on top that dissipated to a thin ring around the edge of the glass. There was a distinct sake-like aroma to it, with a honey and tropical fruit nose to the beer as well. There wasn’t any presence from any hops, so if you’re looking for something citrusy then Hansharo Shizuoka Sake Yeast Beer isn’t the beer for you.

The body is more rounded in flavour with both the combination of sake-like flavours and Belgian estery flavour to it too. Hansharo Shizuoka Sake Yeast Beer was very easy drinking and went down well, leaving just a faint hint of cherries in the aftertaste that brought a wee smidgen of tartness to the beer as well.

Hansharo Shizuoka Sake Yeast Beer The Bottom Line

Hansharo seem to have improved of recent and I do recommend trying Hansharo Shizuoka Sake Yeast Beer for something different.

Where to Buy Hansharo Shizuoka Sake Yeast Beer

Hansharo Shizuoka Sake Yeast Beer can be bought online at the following places

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